Go to any college campus and you will see plenty of tattoo designs. In fact, it seems that tattoos are more popular than ever leading many to think about and research when did tattooing begin?
Tattoo designs actually have an extremely old history. While you might think tattoos were popular with bikers in the late 1940’s and 50’s or sailors several hundred years ago, it was believed just 20 years ago that the ancient Egyptians were the ones that started this incredible cultural art form. Many women were found in ancient Egypt with tattoos on their body. Mainly in the design of nets or dots found on the hips or stomachs of women in ancient Egypt, it was believed that these tattoo designs were to protect the women during childbirth. It should also be mentioned that not all ancient Egyptian women were tattooed, just special social classes of women.
However, in 1991 when the famous Iceman was found, there was a startling tattoo design also found on his hands. Since the Iceman is much older than those of Ancient Egypt, the beginning of tattoo art was pushed even further back into the beginnings of human civilization. For more fascinating facts about the history of tattoo designs, please visit the Smithsonian magazine site at the following link: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/
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